Friday, March 30, 2007

You can’t do that in Columbia…

Maybe you can keep bees in Columbia, but that is doubtful. I suspect the CA would be adverse to 60,000 stinging insects in someone’s backyard. Fortunately for me (and residents of Columbia for that matter), I don’t live in Columbia. One of the many reasons I have not posted anything on this blog in nearly a week is because I have been busy assembling bee keeping paraphernalia and reading bee literature for my new found hobby. I ordered some bees and expect to have them in the next month or two. Look for me to start a bee blog which I will update once a month or so to report my success or failure.

Bees are tremendously important to the environment due to the fact that they pollinate plants. Thus, keeping bees allows me to be act in a self-righteous manner toward those with hobbies that are less environmentally friendly. Seriously, bees really are essential to plant life and I’ll be curious to see if the gardens in my neighborhood are more productive this year.

This picture is an example of the latest advance in beekeeping technology. It is a Langstroth Hive which was designed as recently as 1850. Typically these hives have more than one hive body, or “super” as they are called, but the other one was in my woodshop and I was too lazy to get it for this picture.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Thank goodness we don't live in Columbia. I so enjoy stinging insects.