Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's not as bad as I thought. It's worse...

I have been on a bit of a medical marijuana kick lately due to conversations I have had with a co-worker. He keeps insisting that if marijuana is legalized under state laws that the feds would go after terminally ill patients to make an example of them. I thought this was crazy, and figured he had read a bit too much Chomsky. The federal government would never prosecute cancer patients who use pot for legitimate medical reasons. Then I saw this on NPR. Wow, governments are worse than I thought.


Anonymous said...

I think the court ruling is correct,because it is following the law, and the Federal gov. has every right to prosecute, and as citizens we should obey.

Now that said, I think the law
should be changed and a case like this could be the starting point. Lets hope it gets enough press coverage and if the public reacts correctly, that is with compassion,and intelligence, than the law can be changed.

We should never expect a wild animal (gov.)to be tame. It needs restraints (citizens).