Saturday, February 23, 2008

Election year humor

I heard a good election year joke this morning:

There was a young man running for office in a south western state, and he was told by his political strategist that to have a good shot at winning the election he really had to lock up the Native American vote. So the candidate went to a reservation where the Native Americans agreed to hear him speak. After an hour of speaking, he decided he needed to really impress them.

So, he shouted “when I am elected, I will bring first class schools to this reservation!”

All of the Native Americans excitedly began to chant “Hoya! Hoya! Hoya!”

The candidate then shouted “when I am elected, I am going to bring universal health care to this reservation!”

All of the Native Americans began to chant “Hoya! Hoya! Hoya!” even louder.

Finally, the candidate shouted “when I am elected, I am going to make Casinos legal on this reservation so you will all be fabulously wealthy!”

The Native Americans began to chant “Hoya! Hoya! Hoya!” in a wild frenzy.

After the speech, the Chief took the candidate on a tour of the reservation. The candidate noticed some beautiful cows in a pen.

“Can I get a closer look at those bulls?” asked the candidate.

“Sure,” the chief replied, “but be careful not to step in the hoya.”


Anonymous said...

Must have been the same politician I hear about.

After warming up the crowd of prospective voters with a speech full of hope and promises, he ask if there were any questions.

One young man, stood up, and ask what the candidate thought of solar power as a solution to the energy crisis.

The candidate responed " It's not a solution we can work on over night".

FreeMarket said...

You must have seen the same show on CSPAN that I did!

Anonymous said...

I have one for you:

My sister relayed her living will to me, telling me that if she's ever in a vegetative state depending on machines and liquids to survive,please pull the plug.

So, I walked over and unplugged her computer and threw out her wine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon, that was funny and I needed a good laugh :).

As for you F.M., why do you want the world to know I have no orginal material :(.

Do you think I would ever admit that I hear your joke when I was in High school -).