Monday, December 17, 2007

What is wrong with this picture?

The Saudi king is a kind and noble man. He pardoned a gang rape victim. Yes, the victim.

A gang-rape victim who was sentenced to six months in prison and 200 lashes for being alone with a man not related to her was pardoned by the Saudi king after the case sparked rare criticism from the United States, the kingdom's top ally.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to be misunderstood here, but I would like to seperate this issue into two parts.

The gang rape

Being alone with a man.

The gang rape has scarred this woman for life, and so of course I agree that prison and 200 lashes added to her pain is wrong, unjust and even inhuman.

But the sentence, prison and 200 lashes, was not for being raped, but for, as her government{ deeply influenced by religion}, said for having an affair.

The reason I bring this up is so we can reflect on the value of our Constitution, and the fact that we have seperated Government and Religion.

Let's not forget the value of the
First Amendment.

Anonymous said...

vyytmecI have read my comments in this posting, and feel that it did not explain my point of view as well as I wanted.

The First Amendment addresses 5 freedoms and religion is the one I am addressing.

The religious portion of the amendment consists of two parts: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.

Under the Establishment Clause our government is prohibited from creating an official or an established church.

The Establishment Clause, by preventing the mingling of church and state prevents the barbaric type of action, that a religious group may want, from being imposed as was the case with this victim.

There would have been no sentence of prison and/or lashes under our system, no group or individual seeking to impose their believes or looking for revenge would succeed.

This is why I am saying we should not forget the value of our First Admendment.