Monday, June 25, 2007

Redhead or Brunette, It Don’t Matter…

The environment is not a partisan issue, so I was glad to see this article in the Sun talking about the bi-partisan efforts of Howard’s Ken Ulman and Anne Arundel’s John Leopold to do something good on the environmental front.

"No matter what party you are in, this planet is still pretty important to us," Ulman said. "I think we're both in jurisdictions that have tremendous land-use pressures, and we're both interested in protecting the quality of life."

Leopold said he's a Republican in the century-old tradition of President Theodore Roosevelt.

"I'm a fiscal conservative, but at the same time, I recognize the importance of the environment to help save this planet," he said.

"Land preservation is directly related to restoring the health of the bay and its tributaries," Leopold said. "An Inconvenient Truth, I think, struck a responsive chord throughout the country for Republicans, Democrats and independents."

I sure hope so.