As you may recall, sometime last year the West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department moved a few miles down the road from their old location on Rt. 144 to a brand spanking new firehouse just off of Rt. 32 on Old Frederick. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the county ended up being the new owner of the old firehouse on Rt. 144.
This afternoon I drove past the former firehouse and I noticed that the old sign is still out front even though all the personnel and equipment have moved several miles north. I don't know why the good folks at WFVFD didn't take the sign down before they left, but given that they did not, it seems like the County (or whoever the new owner is) should definitely take down the sign now.
The last thing the county needs is to be sued because someone in need of urgent medical attention died in the parking lot of a vacant building thinking it was a firehouse instead of calling 911 on their cell phone. I know that scenario is fairly unlikely, but still reasonably possible. It just seems like a problem waiting to happen.
Let's turn it into a community meeting center where everyone who wants to talk about local issues can congregate on Friday nights. The Concerned Citizens in Western HOward had so many people attending their meetings that the parking lots were overfull.
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