Saturday, March 13, 2010

Count me out

I received this silly letter in the mail this week:

The fact that the feds are distributing money to pay for services that local governments or private businesses should be providing is abhorrent to me. Furthermore, the data obtained from this census may be used to rationalize more government intervention in the economy. This letter, along with the census itself, will go into the recycle bin.


Anonymous said...

Throw it into the trash! Screw earth! Down with recycling!

Anonymous said...

You showed them!!

Anonymous said...

Far more disturbingly, census data was (illegally) used to round up innocent Japanese-Americans during WW2 to confine to internment camps and also, supposedly, used for similar purposes on Americans of Arab descent after 9/11, although in much smaller numbers.

The government, naturally, claims this could never happen and census data would never be released to any other agency or used for anything but innocuous anonymous purposes. Right...

Eludius said...

I'm excited that the gov't spent over $100 million to advertise the census as some cool event, then spent how much money to send me a letter to let me know they were going to send me a letter. That's government efficiency at its finest!