Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Don't ride, don't swim, what do you do?

I think I am spotting a trend. When people with expensive hobbies want an expensive playground, they lobby the local government for it. They spit tales of “oh, look, if you build this swimming pool or horse park, demand will be so strong that it will pay for itself.” The only problem with this argument is that if it were true, you wouldn’t need the government to build your toy- it would be built by private investors. I love this:

The demand is there, he said, and a facility also could serve scuba-diving classes, water polo, synchronized swimming and triathlon trainers. [WOW! That is like .01% of the County's population!]

“As soon as you build one of these pools you better put one on the books every three years, because everyone will want to go there,” Jacobson said. [Yeah, I am dumb enough to believe this modest claim from an unbiased source.]

Goodridge and other pool advocates said Howard’s plans for a 25-yard indoor pool at the North Laurel recreation center not only was an inconvenient location for the rest of the county but wasn’t large enough. [Translation: Waaa, that other pool's not big enough!]

Howard recently created an authority, which has been asked to study the best place for a pool and the costs to the county, Ulman said. Some counties rely on a revenue authority to run the swimming pools. [Now playing in a theater near you: Horse Park Task Force II: let's go swimming]

It drives me nuts that government officials feel so comfortable redistributing wealth from the general public to a certain, and often more affluent, few.


Anonymous said...

I get up early,I am in the pool by 5:30.I don't horse back ride as much as I would like, but I enjoy these sports and have a great appeciation for the benefits derived from both of these activities.

But it would be embrassing to support local government envolment for these activites, knowing that both Mount Hebron and Glenelg High schools need major sums of money spent to remodel or rebuild.

Also, why don't we think of those county residents, who are restricted to their homes because of health and disability issues.

There are many ways for our government to spend our money, let's just hope that reasonable minds, and compassionate hearts prevail.

Anonymous said...

Wow, in the pool at 5:30? That’s great.

There are plenty of places to ride horses and swim in the County, but there is not a single strip club, and the only microbrewery is too small and inconvenient. That is why I am lobbying my local representatives to build a mega strip joint/brewery. It would pay for itself, and look at all the jobs that would be created- plus the profits could pay for the needed Mount Hebron renovations. Are you listening, Greg Fox?

Anonymous said...

FM, I wanted to get zoning and gov. money to close off Route 70
for a 1/4 drag strip, since the race tract at 75/80 closed, but I think your idea would create a lot more revenue, and your idea of stripping would be accepted as more enviromentally friendly.

How about locating you strip joint at the UofM farm were they want the horse park, think of all the customer parking space. The Gov. may even want to show up with his band.

Wow, nothing like a cold beer and a hot............ oop's, did you clear this with Mrs.F.M.

Anonymous said...

I think we're onto something...

Jessie Newburn said...

Thanks for writing about this, FM. From the Examiner article: "Without proper facilities, high school students can't form swim teams and compete against neighboring counties."

Since when is it the county's responsibility to offer competitive high school swim teams? Yeesh.

Anonymous said...

If that is the quality of life you're after, you are in luck! Baltimore has a street on which you'd love to live. Come back and visit us sometime.

Anonymous said...

Why would I come back?

Eludius said...

Are you insinuating that the return on things such as publicly funded $500 million stadiums don't pay off??? If that were true, the only people that would benefit are millionaire owners and politicians that received kick-backs...and we know that neither would want to do that!

Anonymous said...

Don't know about 500 million dollar deals, and kickbacks, but it does seem that Huckabee will win, the Dems are too close to call and the FDA is expected to declare milk and meat from cloned animals safe to eat.

We live in interesting times.