Thursday, October 18, 2007

Medical mary jane

The dumbest letter to the editor I have ever read:

Medical marijuana is a medical fraud

In response to Steve Chapman's column "Pot helps; policy hurts" (Opinion • Commentary, Oct. 8), I would like to commend Sen. John McCain, who hit the nail on the head regarding the medical fraud of legalized marijuana issue.

I would also like to rebuke Mr. Chapman for his weak attempt to jump on the compassion bandwagon.

Every major national medical organization in this country rejects smoked marijuana as a legitimate medicine.

Why? Because smoking is a poor way to deliver medicine of any kind; it is impossible to administer safe, regulated doses of medicine that way.

The bottom line is that most people with fatal diseases are not smoking pot to treat them - they are under the care and supervision of responsible doctors and receiving valid medicines for their ailments.

Unfortunately, some truly sick people have been duped into believing pot is helping them when, in fact, not only is it harming them but treating their ailments with marijuana might deny them access to legitimate medical care.

Calvina L. Fay
St. Petersburg, Fla.

The writer is executive director of the Drug-Free America Foundation Inc.

Wow. I don’t know where to begin.

Every medical organization rejected smoke marijuana as a legitimate medicine? First of all, many cancer and glaucoma patients received legitimate medical benefits from medical marijuana. For this arrogant prick to want to deny these folks the moral right to treat their aliments is self righteous and condescending. So is calling someone an arrogant prick, but she deserves it.

The bottom line is that most people with fatal diseases are not smoking pot to treat them? No crap Sherlock. Smoking medical marijuana is illegal in most states. Does she think that everyone just randomly choose to drive on the right side of the road and the law that requires us to do so was not a factor in that decision?

Smoking marijuana might deny you access to legitimate medical care? Where, in Lala land?


Anonymous said...

HI Freemarket...

Now I support legalizing marijuana for recreational use, but I too am skeptical of its use as medicine. I understand that it provides a lot of relief to sick people but why does it have to be delivered in smokable form? shouldn't it be delivered as a pill just like almost every other medication?
side effects may include shortness of breath, lung disease, and heart disease

FreeMarket said...

If marijuana was legalized, pharmaceutical companies would have a large incentive to invest in technology that would make mary jane available in pill form (they would make lots of money). In the meantime, it makes sense to let the sick folks decide if the risks associated with smoking something outweigh the relief they receive from their illness. That decision should not be left up to the state.