Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Rose by Another Name Would be Sweeter…

I don’t like to be picky, but do want to vent about something I saw on the website of a local Republican club. They are holding a fundraising dinner called a “Lincoln Day Dinner.” I understand that “Lincoln Day” is traditionally what the annual fundraising day for Republicans is called. However, it makes me cringe when modern day Republicans try to align themselves with Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln was certainly a great man. And true, Lincoln was the first “Republican” president. However, Lincoln was president nearly 150 years ago. The Republican Party of Lincoln’s time bears little resemblance to the Republican Party of today. In fact, I have to wonder what Lincoln, who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, would think about the socially conservative stances that the modern day Republican Party takes. Instead of joining them, he would probably beat them all upside the head.

According the above link, many Republicans have opted to change the name “Lincoln Day” to “Reagan Day” in recognition of the modern Republican message. I hope that is a trend that continues. To attempt to align Abraham Lincoln with the modern day Republican Party is an insult to his memory.

For goodness sakes, they might as well have a “Gandhi Day Dinner.”


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Freemarket, it is always fun to read your blog.

As you may know the JJ (Jefferson and Jackson )diner is this Thursday for the Democrats. I should have given you a heads up for that one. I bet your thoughts would have been interesting.

I wonder if the personality for the Green party is Mr. Green Jeans :0)

p.s.your bee blog is great, but I an having trouble signing on. I quess that is good for a guy that doesn't like getting stung.

FreeMarket said...

Ooops. I didn’t intend to require sign on to leave comments on the bee blog. Thanks for the heads up Jim.