Thursday, March 8, 2007

This just in: if it was a choice you are bi-sexual

There is a letter to the editor about gay marriage in the Howard County Times that irks me to no end. Since I am a straight married guy, I am not sure what pisses me off so much about the gay marriage issue. I believe what bugs me the most is how self righteous and arrogant it is for one group to deny rights to another group. The rights that are being denied do not conflict among the different groups. Homosexuals and heterosexuals can all be married and live amongst each other without the other group causing any moral harm or denying any benefits to the other group. It is not as if homosexuals are allowed to marry, suddenly heterosexuals will not be allowed to do so.

Another thing that bugs me is how taboo the subject of gay marriage is. Subjects that are taboo tend to make me nervous. I immediately suspect there is a large amount of propaganda surrounding taboo subjects, as is clearly the case in religion and politics. Many of the anti-gay marriage folks collectively wink and nod at each other and all agree that homosexual marriage is a bad idea, but rarely does anyone who opposes gay marriage talk about it. They should- they are helping to deny significant rights to a fairly large segment of the population.

One more rant- the letter that irks me so is full of logical fallacies and sketchy facts. My favorite "false fact"is how the writer states that homosexuality is a choice, as if those who are gay woke up one morning and said “Hey, you know what? I think I will be gay from now on.” If the writer of the letter actively made the decision to be straight, doesn’t that mean that the writer is a bi-sexual who is repressing his homosexual feelings? That is really unhealthy of him.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part, which I think is largely demonstrative of the ignorance of the writer, is the inclusion of "Oriental" as a race.

Anonymous said...

Not the letter you are making reference to, but Michael Cornell's letter (March 1)says it all in defence of our civil liberties. Religions and Governments that attack committments made by loving, caring individuals are undermining the strenghts and values that societys need most.