Saturday, January 27, 2007

Anti-family Propaganda

I stumbled across an interesting press release of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. This is linked to the website of Maryland State Delegates (District 9A) Gail Bates and Warren Miller. For some bizarre reason, it appears when one clicks the link “A Call to Reject the Da Vinci Code”. Although it has nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code, it has everything to do with preaching hate:

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the November 18 decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court finding no constitutional impediments for same-sex “marriage” in the Commonwealth:

“The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) registers its complete disapproval and repudiation of the November 18 Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision finding no constitutional impediments to same-sex “marriage” as a morally irresponsible ruling that ignores a wealth of sociological evidence proving how the homosexual relationship in no way provides the stability and support necessary to constitute a family.

“The 4-3 decision represents a redefinition of marriage which seeks to draw non-existent analogies between heterosexual couples and same-sex relationships. It rewards relationships that are of their nature sterile and victimizes children who have the right to be raised in a strong moral environment.

“In mandating the Massachusetts Legislature to enforce its decision, the Court clearly engages in judicial activism and renounces its duty imposed by natural law to uphold morality in favor of the common good.

“Established in 1692, the Court prides itself as being the oldest appellate court in continuous existence in the Western Hemisphere. With this decision, it avowedly departs from the history of its own marriage law and forsakes its tradition. The ruling represents a major blow to America's Christian roots, the institution of the family and the very foundations of morality in society.

“With this decision, the die is cast. It now obliges pro-family forces and especially American Catholics to take the initiative, and mobilize in defense of the family.”

The American TFP invites its members, friends and supporter to offer prayers and acts of reparation to God for the offense caused by this tragic decision. Click here to register your participation.

I don’t know these Delegates personally, and I have never even met them. I have no personal grudges against either Delegate. However, I find their promotion of this kind of rhetoric unacceptable.

My favorite part is the bit about the “wealth of sociological evidence proving how the homosexual relationship in no way provides the stability and support necessary to constitute a family. “ Huh? Two loving parents who happen to be of the same sex do not constitute a family? I would like to see the alleged “proof” of this claim. I won’t hold my breath, as there is no such proof. This claim is completely bogus. If two parents of the same sex do not constitute a family, does this group also believe that a single parent household is not a family?

I am confused by the assertion that the ruling “…rewards relationships that are of their nature sterile…”. I don’t see a problem with “sterile” relationships. Is there something morally inferior or socially unacceptable about a heterosexual couple in which one of the partners is infertile? Of course not. This claim does not even make sense.

It is interesting that the tone of the press release attempts to mislead the reader into thinking that homosexuals are a threat to the family structure. This type of spin tries to associate the bigot with positive associations of God and family, while at the same time associating homosexuals with moral inferiority. Do these Delegates seriously believe the nonsense that they are promoting?


Anonymous said...

And what about married heterosexual couples that choose not to breed?

Are those relationships any less valid than those people who choose to inflict children on the world?

Anonymous said...

Finally: An objective and accurate assessment of what these two representatives are espousing. This is truly who they are, not representative of their constituency. Hopefully by next election cycle, more citizens will know these two.